Individual trajectory

Individual trajectory

I am a professional photographer. I started photography when I was 10 years old and I am now 20. So over the years I understood the struggle of having to change lenses in difficult environments (such as a desert) and missing important pictures because I was not focusing on shooting but looking for a lens in my backpack.

This product is definitely something I could use, not in every situation because sometimes I don’t want the people around me (in the street for example) knowing that I have very expensive lenses for example, but I think it’s a product a lot of photographers need. It is very specific so it’s not for everybody but I think it’s great that someone created this.

At this moment, I don’t have enough lenses to buy this product but If I had I would consider it.

It was interesting knowing more about the product, which I knews since the launch in 2017 but not that much in detail.

You can read more about me in the “ABOUT ME” section on this website.